The ULF Family Conference

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The ULF Family Conference

The ULF Family Conference takes place on June 23-24, 2023 in Chicago. It is an important annual event where affected families have access to the world’s top leukodystrophy physicians and researchers. Held over two days, the conference aims to provide the latest scientific information to keep families informed on advances in the field, and also guide them on improving the quality of their life, while living with a leukodystrophy patient.

This year the MLC session is on Friday June 23rd from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. Dr. Van der Knaap and her colleagues will provide an update on research geared towards families, including the discovery of a new gene. You will also get to hear all about our patient advocacy group, Alliance MLC, and the exciting plans we have for the coming year. To top it all we will have a Happy Hour to welcome all MLC families on June 23rd from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.

Please register here.